Harris Tweed Kilbride Mini Bowling Bag LB1203 Colour 79
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Shipping And Handling
Delivery is free when you spend over £500
Delivery will be made within 7 working days to most Mainland UK addresses. Delivery to more remote areas of the UK may take slightly longer. Amor will endeavour to deliver to you within the specified time. However, there may be instances when we cannot deliver within this time. If we realise that we cannot deliver to you within that time, we shall alert you as soon as possible to try to arrange another suitable time for delivery. Amor cannot be held responsible if any item you have ordered is impounded by or has extra duty charged on it by your local customs and excise department, therefore we recommend that you check with the Customs and Excise Department before ordering from us.
Delivery Schedule
We deliver your order right away. We will normally send your order to you in two business days . International orders are generally received in under four days.
If after Amor has accepted an order from you (acceptance will be communicated via e-mail on receipt of an order), and you wish to withdraw from the contract, you may do so by communicating that wish to us within 2 working days of our acceptance. If you have already received the goods and they are unwanted, you must return the goods to us at your own cost and risk. Please note that a charge of 1% will be applied to cover our outgoing shipping costs and processing fees. This will not apply in the case of faulty, damaged or incorrect goods. It is imperative that you notify us within 5 working days of receipt of goods. Provided the goods are returned in the same condition as we supplied them to you, we shall reimburse all monies, less any charges, paid by you for those goods.
Your rights to return goods are protected under the EU Distance Selling Directive which can be found at http://www.hmso.gov.uk/si/si2000/20002334.htm